msepostdoc-list Request a list of Post Docs and office space

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Tue Jan 15 11:51:25 EST 2019

Dear Faculty and Post Docs,

I would like a complete list of Post Docs and office numbers whether in ARMS or elsewhere.  I have a complete list of graduate students and advisors, but I do not have a complete list of Post Docs.

I appreciate your help with this.

I would also like to say the Safely Committee is in the process of ensuring that all offices are safe and do not contain samples or chemicals.  We would like to encourage you to store your samples outside your office space.  There are lockers and should be space in labs.  Please discuss with us your questions regarding the storage of materials.

There will be a safety inspection conducted soon and we could be held in violation of REM rules.

Please let myself or Prof. Erk know of any concerns you may have.

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