msepostdoc-list FW: TMS 2019 - LGBTQ+ TMS Networking Mixer

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Wed Feb 13 15:16:25 EST 2019

Hey everyone,

I know this is coming to you about a month ahead of schedule but we have put together another LGBTQ+ mixer (a lot like the one in Columbus, but much nicer and at the convention hotel)!

Feel free to swing by while in San Antonio!

Date: Sunday March 10, 2019
Time: 8:00pm-11:00pm
Grand Hyatt Lonestar Ballroom A
This event is organized by TMS PRIDE - a working group under the diversity committee at TMS.  If you'd like to know more please feel free to come to my office, e-mail me (mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>) or e-mail tmspride at<mailto:tmspride at>


Matthew Korey<>

National Science Foundation Graduate Research (GRFP) Fellow
Materials Engineering - Purdue University
Armstrong Hall - Room 2213
email: mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>
Pronouns: He / Him / His

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