msepostdoc-list MSE Merchandise Store

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Wed Apr 10 10:27:56 EDT 2019

Hello Everyone,

The MSE online merchandise store is finally up and running! Below you will find the link to the store with all of the items available for sale. The store will close next Wednesday, April 17th at Midnight. For delivery there will be two options:

1) Have it shipped to you and pay shipping charges

2) Pickup at MSE main office front desk from Stacey

         -Select the Pickup at Freckles Option, we will be picking up all of the shirts together and bringing them to Armstrong

Freckles is currently running about a week production time, so we expect to have the shirts available to pickup on April 25th. I will send out another email when they are ready for pickup. If you have any questions or issues feel free to email me at hrowlan at<mailto:hrowlan at>, or come by the table we will have set up around the MSE computer lab. As this table will be staffed by MSE students there may not be someone there at all times throughout the day.

Purdue Materials Science and Engineering<>

Thank You,

Harley Rowland

PUMA Treasurer

hrowlan at<mailto:hrowlan at>


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