msepostdoc-list LGBTQ+ and Allies Mixer at MS&T 2018 - Columbus, OH

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Tue Oct 2 16:24:21 EDT 2018


The Diversity Committee through TMS is hosting this really exciting LGBTQ+ and allies student and faculty mixer on Sunday October 14 from 8-11pm at the MS&T conference<> in Columbus, OH.

I know first-hand that traveling around the US is quite complex and stressful for LGBTQ+ individuals with and without spouses.

Come join us at one of Columbus' gay bars - bring your spouses, partners, friends, and colleagues to this space.  Know that this is a safe space where you will not only be allowed, but your many identities will be celebrated.  It is show tunes Sunday - I've been there many times before for this evening - and you will absolutely LOVE the atmosphere!  Seriously it's amazing.

Add this event to your calendar<> so that you don't forget!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via my e-mail (mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>) or my phone (+1-513-382-3292).

Looking forward to seeing you all there! :)


Matthew Korey

National Science Foundation Graduate Research (GRFP) Fellow
Materials Engineering - Purdue University
Armstrong Hall - Room 2213
email: mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>
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