msepostdoc-list Install filtered water bottle-filling stations in ARMS - petitioning Dean Chiang

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Wed Nov 14 15:45:41 EST 2018


My name is Andrew Binder and I am a College of Engineering Ambassador.  The College of Engineering Ambassadors have recognized that there is a need for filtered water bottle-filling stations in Armstrong Hall.  This survey intends to gauge support from students to get water bottle-filling stations installed in Armstrong Hall and, ultimately, to produce a list of student and faculty signatories to the petition that is written.

The College of Engineering's Dean, Dr. Mung Chiang, has initiated a number of projects to improve student quality-of-life.  Hopefully, with your support, we can also highlight the merits of this quality-of-life improvement.  Your signatures, among other data, will be used to build a case for this suggestion to ultimately be implemented.

Please note that you can take this survey anonymously if you choose, but there is an option to list your email as a signer to this petition within the survey.  Please fill out this option if you would like to be listed on the list of signatories presented to Dean Chiang.

Please direct any questions to my e-mail, binder1 at<mailto:binder1 at>.  Thank you for your consideration and support!

Andrew Binder
AAE, Class of 2019
CoE Ambassadors
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