msepostdoc-list FW: [Gradcontacts] FW: Upcoming deadline for Insight Data Fellows Programs - Purdue

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Fri Jun 22 09:02:14 EDT 2018

Insight Data Fellows Programs

Insight is now accepting applications from graduating students for our fellowships in:

 - Data Science  (for PhDs & Postdocs)
 - Health Data Science  (for PhDs & Postdocs)
 - Data Engineering  (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
 - Artificial Intelligence  (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
 - Data Product Management  (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
 - DevOps  (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)

1400+ Insight alumni are now working at Facebook, LinkedIn, The New York Times, Apple, Airbnb, Netflix, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Github, Slack, 23andMe, Twitter, Bloomberg, NBC, Pinterest, Microsoft, and 250+ other top companies.

Insight Fellows Programs:

 - 7 week, full-time training fellowship
 - Mentorship from leading industry data scientists, data engineers & AI specialists
 - Join an active community of Insight alumni
 - Self-directed, project-based learning followed by interviews at top companies
 - Tuition-free with need-based scholarships and loans available to help cover living costs

Upcoming Early Application Deadline: July 9

Learn more & apply on our website:<>

Not ready to apply? Sign up for our notification list:<>

Questions? Email us at info at<mailto:info at>

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