msepostdoc-list iLab Account Updates

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Fri Jul 13 11:08:59 EDT 2018


I've heard from several students regarding loss of access to iLab billing accounts.

Please note that Purdue billing has been overhauled and accounts have completely changed format: they are now either a 10-digit number (i.e. 1234567890) or, for some grants, F.12345678.12.123. We were given no advanced notice-I found out two days ago.

It seems that in this process, (some) accounts were disassociated from your iLab profiles. Please check this and, if you have any issues, your advising profs will have to contact the business office. I am unable to fix any billing issues in iLab for you. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, but if you're having these issues, please attempt the steps above first.



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