msepostdoc-list Seminar Reminder for Shoumya Shuvo's Preliminary Exam. Seminar: Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 12:00, in ARMS 1021. Exam: same day at 1:30, in ARMS 2326

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Tue Jan 9 16:18:32 EST 2018

Please consider attending the following:


"Dynamic Investigation of Catalytic Nano-Materials using Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques"

Shoumya Nandy Shuvo
Purdue MSE Ph.D. Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Volkan Ortalan


Heterogenous Catalysis is the mainspring of many chemical and energy transformation processes in several industries. The surface of a catalyst functions at the interface of the solid-gas phase or solid-liquid phase, paving in a pathway which is kinetically favorable. Different catalyst catalyzes distinct important reactions, the product of which are purely vital to the technological advancement, out of which Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) reaction is of utmost importance. However, in certain reaction conditions, these catalysts tend to sinter which eventually deteriorates their catalytic activity. Deep and fundamental understanding of the sintering mechanism is therefore imperative to emerge into a cleaner environment through effective chemical processes. With the advent of Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques, it has become possible to perform in-situ experiments at atomistic levels, thereby giving insights about the mechanism of sintering of catalytic materials in detail and also their wetting/de-wetting capabilities in virtue of the strong-metal-support-interaction (SMSI) and strong-metal-support-bonding (SMSB). Proper optimization and tuning of the aforementioned parameters and mechanisms could lead to the development of improved catalysts and functional nanostructures.

Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Time: 12:00 P.M.
Place: ARMS 1021

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