msepostdoc-list FW: Fellowship Opportunities

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Mon Jan 8 16:31:09 EST 2018

From: gradcontacts-bounces at [mailto:gradcontacts-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lynch, Cyndi D
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 4:23 PM
To: gradcontacts at
Cc: Graduate School Fellowships <fellowships at>
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Fellowship Opportunities

Please forward to graduate students and postdocs.
Ludwig Kruhe Fellowship
Deadline: Thursday, January 18th, 2018 @ 5:00PM EST

Established as a "means for promoting a deeper interest in world problems, to the end that a better understanding of international relationships and world affairs may be advanced." It provides one year of support, including a stipend, payment of tuition and fees, and a medical insurance supplement. Recipients are doctoral candidates in one of the following Purdue graduate programs: Agricultural Economics, Civil Engineering, Foreign Languages and Literature, History, Management, or Political Science.
Application instructions are available in Blackboard<> in the Fellows Community.

Preparing Future Faculty GRAD 59000-011 (CRN 37260)
Tuesdays, 9:30-11:20 AM, Spring 2018

Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) is a 2 credit hour course which utilizes a Pass/No Pass grading system. Students meet weekly for 2 hours for a mentoring session with vice provosts, deans, department heads and faculty members.

Three basic elements compose the course:

1.       Discussions and mentoring with vice provosts, deans, department heads, faculty members, and colleagues

2.       Development of your portfolio - curriculum vita, cover letter, research statement, and teaching philosophy

3.       Identification and articulation of faculty skills, competencies, roles, and expectations based on institution type

Topics include: Faculty roles and responsibilities and how they relate to institutional missions and institutional type, the academic job search and hiring process, promotion and tenure, diversity in academia, disciplinary paradigms and assessment, and balancing academic and personal life.

Class size is limited.

Doctoral students register through myPurdue<>! GRAD 59000-011 (CRN37260)
Postdocs - email clynch at<mailto:clynch at>.

New York Senate Graduate Fellowships

Deadline: April 27, 2018

The Graduate Fellowships offered by the Senate include Legislative Fellowships and Memorial Fellowships.
Legislative Fellowships
Each Legislative Fellow is assigned to a specific Senator's office, where they will function largely as if they were regular staff. While duties vary depending on the needs of the member, Legislative Fellows generally perform in-depth policy research, take part in meetings with various interest groups and constituents, and attend legislative sessions.
Memorial Fellowships
Memorial Fellowships are awarded to applicants who demonstrate the unique qualifications and abilities required of each position. There are three such placements, each awarded to a single individual for the Fellowship class.

Dannon Yogurt, Probiotics and Gut Microbiome Fellowship Grant
Deadline: February 15, 2018

Dannon, as a part of DanoneWave Public Benefits Corporation, is awarding two graduate students a grant of $25,000 each. The successful candidates should excel in science and have an interest in studying yogurt, probiotics and the gut microbiome's role in promoting human health (the "Field"). Examples may include the role of yogurt or other nutrients from yogurt, probiotics, or fermented dairy products on brain function, growth and development, digestive health, weight management or heart health. Topics may also include factors, such as foods or nutrients that influence the gut microbiome. The award will be for tuition or research-related projects or as otherwise allocated at Dannon's sole discretion. It will be payable directly to the student's educational institution to support their continued education on related topics during 2018.
For more information on the fellowship and to apply, please visit

Deadline: February 2, 2018

THE L'ORÉAL USA FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE fellowship program honors female scientists at a critical stage in their careers. Since 2003, they've awarded 70 postdoctoral women scientists over $3.5 million in grants. They're seeking five exceptional female scientists looking to ad­vance their research and serve as role models for the next generation of girls in STEM. Candidates must have completed their PhD and have started in their postdoctoral research position by the application deadline. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply.
Visit to learn more and apply

Sylvia Rowe Fellowship
Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2018

The goal of this award is to develop the recipient's communication skills so that he or she may advance their ability in communicating nutrition, agriculture, and food safety information to the public in an academic setting, professional situation (either for-profit or nonprofit sector), or other public venue. The recipient will be awarded an eight-12-week paid internship at the IFIC and Foundation offices in Washington, D.C. The internship needs to be completed by the end of the year in which it is awarded. Prospective applicants must be currently enrolled in or recently graduated (within 12 months from the time of application) from a graduate level (MS, MD, or PhD) program in nutrition, food safety, and/or journalism/communications. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Visit for more information on the fellowship and to apply.

Cyndi Lynch
Director of Fellowships and Professional Development
Instructor, Preparing Future Professionals &
Preparing Future Faculty<>

Purdue University Graduate School
Young Hall, Room 170
155 South Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2108
p:(765) 494-2598
f: (765) 494-0136

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