msepostdoc-list MSE 690 Speaker Dr. Cari Dutcher, Friday, February 23, 2018/ARMS 1010 - 3:30

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Wed Feb 21 08:13:45 EST 2018

Good morning,
My apologies for sending this out so late. Dr. Cari Dutcher will be here this Friday to give a seminar in MSE 690. Attached is her abstract and agenda, if you cannot meet at your meeting time or something comes up, please let me know
Thank you.

[cid:image001.png at 01D3AAEB.60D9F690][cid:image002.png at 01D3AAEB.E46A13F0]

Stacey Coar
Secretary/Development Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Ave. Room 2300
West Lafayette, IN 47907
scoar at<mailto:scoar at>

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