msepostdoc-list Seminar Notice for Kayla Yano's Preliminary Exam. Seminar, Friday, April 20, at 2:00, in HAMP 2107; Exam same day, at 3:30, in ARMS 2222

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Fri Apr 13 13:29:39 EDT 2018

Please consider attending the following:


"In Situ SEM and TEM Size-Effects in Ion Irradiated Materials"

Kayla Haruko Yano
Purdue MSE Ph.D. Preliminary Exam

Advisors: Professor Janelle P. Wharry and Professor Maria A. Okuniewski


Due to the shallow depth of ion irradiation damage, in situ SEM and TEM mechanical testing has been used to evaluate the irradiation effects on mechanical properties of irradiated materials. In turn, this small-scale testing can experience size-effects due to the microstructure-sample dimension relationship. This literature review provides a brief overview of the existing literature for three different sample geometries: micro-pillar compression, cantilever bending, and beam fracture testing. In depth analyses of the prevailing models for each geometry is also provided. Ultimately, this review concludes that coupling microstructural information with in situ mechanical testing can account for the size-effects in these geometries.

Date: Friday, April 20, 2018

Time: 2:00 P.M.
Place: HAMP 2107

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