msepostdoc-list FW: [Gradcontacts] Grad & postdoc presentation on 10/25: Negotiation Skills

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Mon Oct 23 10:33:35 EDT 2017

From: gradcontacts-bounces at [mailto:gradcontacts-bounces at] On Behalf Of Inamdar, Amruta A
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:21 AM
To: 'gradcontacts at' <gradcontacts at>; Purdue Post Doc Association <ppda at>
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Grad & postdoc presentation on 10/25: Negotiation Skills

Hello, all

The CCO’s Executive Director, Tim Luzader, will be presenting on Negotiation Skills this Wednesday, 10/25, at 5:30 PM in PFEN 241. Though strategies may be transferable across sectors, the focus of this presentation will be on nonacademic, private-sector or industry offers and negotiations. Please encourage your students and postdocs to RSVP and attend!

[insert alt text here]

The CCO’s Executive Director, Tim Luzader, will talk about the job offer evaluation and negotiation process: how to evaluate your job offer(s), identify points for negotiation, and negotiate effectively. This is the last of the 5-part Professional Skills Series for graduate students and postdocs. Due to limited seating, we encourage you to RSVP.

Sign up →<>



Amruta Inamdar, Ph.D.
Career Services Consultant - Graduate Students

Purdue University
Center for Career Opportunities; YONG 245
amruta at<mailto:amruta at>; 765-494-1409
My Office is a Safe Space
Grad students & postdocs: Twitter<> & Facebook<>

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