msepostdoc-list Fwd: FW: Seminar Announcement / May 26th 10-11 am

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Mon May 22 10:01:34 EDT 2017




School of Mechanical Engineering Seminar

A Roadmap for the Virtual Design of Metallic Materials: From Atoms to 

Prof. Javier LLorca

Scientific Director, IMDEA Materials Institute

Professor of Materials Science, Technical University of Madrid

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, May 26, 2017

ME 2054


A simulation roadmap is presented to carry out virtual design, virtual 
processing and virtual testing of metallic alloys for engineering 
applications. The strategy is based on a bottom-up, multiscale modelling 
approach which runs along two parallel lines: simulation of the 
microstructural development during processing (virtual processing) and 
simulation of the mechanical behavior form the microstructure (virtual 
testing). Modeling efforts begin with ab initio simulations and bridging 
of the length and time scales is accomplished through

different strategies which encompass the whole range of length and time 
scales required by virtual design, virtual processing and virtual 
testing. Nevertheless, not everything can or should be computed and 
critical experiments are an integral part of the strategy for the 
calibration and validation of the multiscale strategies at different 
length scales. Two examples of application of the different parts of the 
strategy for virtual processing and virtual testing are presented in detail.


Prof. Javier LLorca is scientific director and founder of the IMDEA 
Materials Institute and professor and head of the research group on 
“Advanced Structural Materials and Nanomaterials” at the Technical 
University of Madrid. He got his PhD in Materials Science from the 
Technical University of Madrid and has held visiting appointments at 
Brown University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Indian Institute of 
Science. Prof. LLorca, a Fulbright scholar, is Fellow of the European 
Mechanics Society and member of the Academia Europaea and has received 
the Research Award from the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences. His 
research activities have been focused in the systematic application of 
computational tools and multiscale modeling strategies to establish the 
link between processing, microstructure and properties of

structural materials. A key feature of his contributions is the use of 
novel experimental techniques to determine the properties of the phases 
and interfaces in the material at the nm and μm scale. So, simulations 
are fed with experimental values independently obtained and free of 
"adjusting" parameters. Some of these developments have become the 
foundation of the modern techniques of virtual testing of composites, 
which are starting to be used by the aerospace industry to minimize the 
number of costly mechanical tests to characterize and certify

composite structures.  His current research interests –supported by an 
Advanced Grant from the European Research Council–are focused in the 
development of multiscale modeling strategies to carry out virtual 
design, virtual processing and virtual testing of metallic materials, 
including the experimental validation at different length scales, so new 
alloys can be designed, tested and optimized in silico before they are 
actually manufactured in the laboratory.

Contact: Thomas Siegmund, siegmund at <mailto:siegmund at>

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