msepostdoc-list Fwd: FW: COMMUNICATION: Must dial 911 if fire alarm sounds

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu May 4 16:34:12 EDT 2017


Communications Announcement

Purdue University – Physical Facilities

TO: Building Deputies

FR: Carol Shelby, senior director for Environmental Health and Public Safety

DA: Thursday, May 4, 2017

RE: Must dial 911 if fire alarm sounds

The campus central fire alarm receiving equipment is temporarily out of 
service. All building fire alarms are still in operation. In the event a 
fire alarm sounds in your building, please evacuate the building 
immediately and then call 911. Please forward this communication to 
building occupants and post it prominently at building exits.

Questions may be directed to Kevin Ply, fire chief, at (765) 494-6919.

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