msepostdoc-list Please read, very important

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Mon May 1 08:42:53 EDT 2017

Good morning,
This week is Finals!! With that said, Rosemary will be out from Thursday at noon and Friday, back on Tuesday. If you are going to need office assistance, please come before Thursday. Please do not wait until the last minute as I will be here by myself and will not have student help.

With the semester ending so are reoccurring room reservations, if you have any and you want them to continue, please let me know.

WE have gone to a sign out system for packages. There have been several very expensive packages that have just disappeared this year. I do not care who picks up some else's package but you will now have to sign your name next to the package you are taking. We have students picking packages up for Faculty and packages coming in with business office names on them and the only thing we have to go on is a "45" number. Either way it is written and you take that package, write your name, there is a space for it. I did not want to have to do this, but we still cannot find a package that was lost and until we can figure out a better process we will have to do sign everything out.

Lastly, NO MORE GOING TO PHIL'S AREA. DO not go to Phil's area and take packages. He has become too overwhelmed with packages and understaffed and just does not have time to stop and scan packages for everyone that comes down and needs something right now. Your package will be delivered to the Main Office and when it does you will be contacted when you can come and get it. When things like this happens, it make it too easy for mistakes to occur and packages to get lost.

This message is not meant to come across as crass, but I am the one that gets to spin my wheels trying to fix and find and figure out the issues and all of the help of you and help me and together it can run a lot smoother and if not, you can tell me "I told you so"!

Thank you for your help, congrats on graduating and moving on to the next step, and I am so thankful and happy for the ones hanging around for another year,

P.S. I am on grandbaby watch this week :)


Stacey Coar
Secretary/Development Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Ave. Room 2300
West Lafayette, IN 47907
scoar at

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