msepostdoc-list United Way Book Drive

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Thu Jun 8 12:01:15 EDT 2017

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We are excited to announce that the University Development Office will help the Women United Book Drive to benefit Kindergarten Countdown Campers!

Kindergarten Countdown Camp is a free 3-4 week summer camp designed to help children with little to no preschool experience begin their first year of school prepared to learn. Campers attend half day of school with instruction by a licensed teacher and adjust to the routines of a typical school day. At the end of each week, each student has the opportunity to select a new book to take home, and share with their family as they create their own personal library. These children are between the ages of 4-7, the books can be new or used, please bring age appropriate, and they can be educational and religious.

A donation box is location in ARMS 2300. The books will be collected on Friday, June 16th and Thursday, June 29th.

You can help each Kindergarten Countdown Camper begin their own personal library by dropping your books off in your unit collection box between June 1st and June 29th.

Let us join the fight and live united!

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