msepostdoc-list Seminar Notice for Megan Kephart's Preliminary Exam: Seminar, Friday, Dec. 15, at 8:30 a.m., in ARMS 3115; Exam, same day, at 10:00, in ARMS 3001. "Mechanisms for Flash Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering"

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Fri Dec 8 13:36:19 EST 2017

Please consider attending the following:


"Mechanisms for Flash Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering"

Megan R. Kephart
Purdue MSE Ph.D. Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Haiyan Wang


Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) is a new sintering technique that is capable of sintering at much lower temperatures and much shorter times than conventional sintering.  Flash Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering are two types of Field Assisted Sintering Technologies that are discussed in this review.  These new sintering techniques are compared to conventional sintering techniques.  Conventional sintering mechanisms are introduced and compared to Spark Plasma Sintering and Flash Sintering mechanisms.  Since Flash Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering are relatively new technologies, there remain numerous unanswered questions about the processes. Although many mechanisms have been proposed for both Flash Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering, the underlying mechanisms behind these sintering techniques are still under debate.  Some Flash Sintering mechanisms proposed in literature are discussed and compared. Future research directions are proposed and could shed some light on the mechanisms involved.

Date: Friday, December 15, 2017

Time: 8:30 A.M.
Place: ARMS 3115

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