msepostdoc-list United way, pledge cards and bake sale

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Thu Oct 29 13:59:46 EDT 2015

Good afternoon all,
As the United Way chair for MSE I wanted to end out an update on the United Way progress.  Engineering is doing ok, we still have a lot of outstanding pledge cards, MSE has 38 no responses. If you have not given your pledge card to me or sent it in, please do so. Whether you pledge or not, please send your card in so at least we will have the responses calculated. If you prefer to make your pledge online or if you have lost your card, you can go to:

1)      Online donation - you can make an online donation via this link:

2)      Blank pledge form - you can download/print a blank pledge form and complete/return it to Dauch Alumni Center, United Way, Attn: Jamie Hendershot.  Here is the link:

One last thing.... Tomorrow there will be a bake sale in the Armstrong Atrium from 10-2 or until we sell everything, and there is going to be plenty  :-)

Thanks so much for giving to United Way!

Stacey Coar
Secretary/Development Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Ave. Room 2300
West Lafayette, IN 47907
scoar at

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