msepostdoc-list Fwd: AAE Colloquium: "Lifetime Lessons Learned" - Mr. C. Douglas Ebersole, Aerospace Systems Directorate, AFRL Friday, January 30 @ 3:30pm

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Wed Jan 28 08:44:25 EST 2015









  /The AAE Spring 2015 Colloquium Series/

“Lifetime Lessons Learned”

*C. Douglas Ebersole***


*Aerospace Systems Directorate*

*Air Force Systems Laboratory*


*Friday, January 30, 2015***

*3:30 P.M.*

*ARMS B071*

/Reception to follow in ARMS B071/



/Jennifer LaGuire/

/Admin. Asst. to the Head/

/AAE Safety Coordinator/

/Purdue University/

/Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering/

/Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering Rm 3315/

/701 West Stadium Avenue/

/West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045/


/jenn at <mailto:jenn at>/

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