msepostdoc-list MSE Please Remove L. Stacey as Travel Assistant in Concur

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Jan 12 15:28:30 EST 2015

Hello MSE & Happy New Year,

As much as I miss all of you, I have to request that you please go into your profile in Concur and remove me as a travel delegate/travel arranger/travel request delegate/travel expense delegate (wherever you have me listed).  Unfortunately, I still receive e-mail notifications of every transaction, report, unreconciled expenses, etc. and my inbox overfloweth!

I've inquired about a mass removal of my status, but it's not easily done according to the Travel dept. and business offices.

I appreciate your prompt attention and help on this.

Take care,

Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant
Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering
Purdue University

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