msepostdoc-list printer/copier issues

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Mon Dec 14 16:57:06 EST 2015

Good afternoon,
As most of you have probably noticed, we have a strange virus/issue affecting our printers.  ECN has determined that this is happening because someone's drive connection to the printer is bad/corrupt. The only way to fix this is to find who the has the corrupt drive.  In order for us to do this is we must "pause" the job while it is printing the corrupt file. If you walk up to the copy machine and it is spitting out sheets of paper with symbols and letters on it that don't look like a normal printing, this is a corrupt file, hit the stop button.  Please do not delete or discontinue the job, just push stop one time and this will pause the copy machine. They have to be able to see where the problem came from and ECN can only do that if the file is going or paused during printing. Hopefully we can get this problem fixed asap by trying to stop the job while it is running.
Thank you in advance for your help and patience,

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