msepostdoc-list Ethical conduct of research: Fall 14 mandatory activities

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Sep 29 10:54:50 EDT 2014

Dear MSE Students and Postdocs,

Every member of the Purdue community involved in research is required to take and pass
training on the ethical conduct of research. Purdue University and the MSE faculty require
MSE graduate students and postdocs:

1. Take and pass the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Module on Physical Sciences,
(as explained below). Please note that students on NSF fellowships are required to take
this training within one month of the start of their fellowships.(You only have to meet this requirement
ONE TIME, so if you've previously completed the CITI module, you do not have to do it again.)

2. Attend a yearly Ethics in Research seminar and participate in the activities associated with it.
This semester the seminar will be on October 31 at 3:30 PM in ARMS1010. Attendance in mandatory.
Students unable to attend the seminar should go over the content of the presentation with their
research advisor and participate in the activities.

Best regards,

Prof. Strachan

Additional information about Purdue's Responsible Conduct of Research plan.

CITI training:
Please make sure you list Purdue as your institution.

Alejandro Strachan
Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
Network for Computational Nanotechnology -<>
Center for Predictive Materials and Devices (c-PRIMED)

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