msepostdoc-list Fwd: MSE Mixer Friday, 9/19/14

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Sun Sep 7 15:34:04 EDT 2014

If you have not already sent your RSVP for "tent event", please do so by 
Wednesday, September 10th.  We need a head count to be sure we have 
enough food to feed everyone.

*Hi Everyone:*

*You are cordially invited to attend the------**
**What:  MSE Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Mixer**
**When:  Friday, September 19, 2014,  5:30PM - 7:00PM**
**Where: Outside Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering (look for the tent
set up near Neil's statue)**
**Please_RSVP by September 10th _through the survey link below*



find the link on the MSE web site main page----look to the right, under
"News & Events", then scroll down to the announcement and click on the
title (MSE Alumni and Current Student Mixer)

There will be food for everyone including vegetarian and gluten free.
Hope to see you there.


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