msepostdoc-list Fwd: Ethical conduct of research: Fall 14 mandatory activities

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Oct 30 14:44:14 EDT 2014

> Dear MSE Students and Postdocs,
> Every member of the Purdue community involved in research is required 
> to take and pass
> training on the ethical conduct of research. Purdue University and the 
> MSE faculty require
> MSE graduate students and postdocs:
> 1. Take and pass the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Module on 
> Physical Sciences,
> (as explained below). Please note that students on NSF fellowships are 
> required to take
> this training within one month of the start of their 
> fellowships._*(You only have to meet this requirement*__*
> *__*ONE TIME, so if you've previously completed the CITI module, you 
> do not have to do it again.)*__*
> *_
> _**_
> 2. Attend a yearly Ethics in Research seminar and participate in the 
> activities associated with it.
> This semester the seminar will be on October 31 at 3:30 PM in 
> ARMS1010._*Attendance in mandatory.*_
> Students unable to attend the seminar should go over the content of 
> the presentation with their
> research advisor and participate in the activities.
> Best regards,
> Prof. Strachan
> Additional information about Purdue’s Responsible Conduct of Research 
> plan.
> CITI training: <>
> Please make sure you list Purdue as your institution.
> --
> Alejandro Strachan
> Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
> Network for Computational Nanotechnology - 
> <>
> Center for Predictive Materials and Devices (c-PRIMED)

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