msepostdoc-list FW: MSE GSA BBQ - Wed. May 28th

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue May 27 08:14:38 EDT 2014

Hi all,

So based on the information that I have gathered, it has been decided that the End of Semester BBQ will be held this Wednesday, May 28th, and the Purdue Mall. We will be grilling food and enjoying outdoor games, as long as the weather holds (keep an eye out for any changes).

What: End of Semester BBQ
Where: Purdue Mall (by Engineering Fountain)
When: Wednesday May 28th, 6:00p.m. - 8:00(?) p.m.

We hope to see you all there!

Colton Steiner
Graduate Research Assistant
Materials Science & Engineering
Purdue University
From: "Colton Steiner" <steinec at<mailto:steinec at>>
To: msepostdoc-list at<mailto:msepostdoc-list at>, msestaff-list at<mailto:msestaff-list at>, msefaculty-list at<mailto:msefaculty-list at>, msegradstudent-list at<mailto:msegradstudent-list at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 10:26:54 AM
Subject: MSE GSA BBQ
Hi all,

So the MSE GSA is considering hosting the end of semester/beginning of summer BBQ sometime next week. Our first choice is Wednesday May 28th, but if the weather does not cooperate we may shift it by a day or so. In the meantime, the idea has been put forth to host the BBQ at Pickett Park, just north of the gold intramural fields, where there are options for sand volleyball and disc golf. However, the Engineering Mall is much more convenient to get to and we can still bring games like corn-hole and Kan Jam.

Please take a minute to fill out the following survey so that we can get an idea of which option is preferred:


Colton Steiner
Graduate Research Assistant
Materials Science & Engineering
Purdue University
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