msepostdoc-list FW: Pandora's Promise

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Mar 24 10:03:29 EDT 2014

Good morning MSE students, faculty, and staff,

Tomorrow evening there will be a free screening of Pandora's Promise in Loeb Playhouse. Pandora's Promise is a 2013 documentary film featuring environmentalists' take on nuclear power, and you can watch the trailer here:

Doors open at 6:00pm, and it will be first come, first serve. The 90-minute documentary will feature a Q&A session with Dr. Robert Bean of the School of Nuclear Engineering, Dr. Laura Young of the Department of Political Sciences, and Dr. Loring Nies of the School of Civil Engineering and Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering.
What: Free screening of Pandora's Promise followed by Q&A
When: Tomorrow (March 25th) at 6:00pm
Where: Loeb Playhouse in Stewart Center

Hope to see you there!


Kara Luitjohan
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