msepostdoc-list REMINDER: MSE Seminar Notice: S. Xia PhD Prelim Pt I

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Thu Aug 21 10:31:08 EDT 2014


MSE PhD Examination Part I

A Model to Evaluate the Creep Rate Caused by Dislocation Bias Absorption

in Dilute FCC Solution Under Irradiation Condition

Shengxu Xia

Prof. A. El-Azab and Prof. R. Trice


SIPA is an important mechanism responsible for irradiation damage that occurs in nuclear materials. SIPA comes from the bias absorption of interstitials towards dislocation sink. In order to minimize its effect, dilute solute is added to the solvent, hoping that the preferred interstitials would be trapped during the travel to dislocation sinks. However, recent study reveals the existence of dilute solute might facilitate SIPA effect rather than suppress. So it is necessary to build a theoretical model to consider both sides of solute atoms. This paper proposes such a model based on reaction-diffusion equation and effective capture radius of pure edge dislocation.

Date:         Thursday, August 21, 2014

Time:      1:30 PM
Place:        ARMS 1028

Lisa Stacey
Secretary/Development Assistant
Purdue University
School of Materials Engineering

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