msepostdoc-list FW: Reminder: Coffee Hour tomorrow

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Wed Oct 16 17:03:39 EDT 2013

Hi all,

This is a friendly reminder about tomorrow's coffee hour:

Thursday, October 17th
12:00-1:00 PM
PMU Rm 256

If you would like to give a short, 15 minute, 3 slide presentation on your research, please let me (ebuesche at<mailto:ebuesche at>) know. We're going to add this to our monthly coffee hour. If you are interested in presenting in a future coffee hour, please email ppda at<mailto:ppda at>.

Future coffee hour dates (12:30-1:30PM, PMU Rm 256)
THU - NOV 14 2013
FRI - DEC 20 2013
FRI - JAN 17 2014
FRI - FEB 21 2014
FRI - MAR 21 2014
TUE - APR 15 2014
FRI - MAY 16 2014

Kind regards,
Elizabeth Buescher
NIFA Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Purdue University
(765) 494-9042

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