msepostdoc-list Fwd: Call for poster presentation - 17th GLCACS Conference Meeting - May 4, 2013, Deerfield, IL

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Mar 28 15:07:54 EDT 2013


Dear Ms. Cline,


My name is Qing Xu. I work as a Sr. Engineer for UOP, A Honeywell
Company in the north Chicago suburb. I am a committee member of GLCACS
(Great Lake Chinese American Chemistry Society). 


We are holding the annual conference on May 4th in Deerfield, IL. We
will have plenary speakers from major local corporations and will have
student/post-doc poster competition. We will also have corporate career
recruiting/consulting events at the conference. All the
professors/post-docs/students in your department are welcome to
participate. The registration is free. 


Could you kindly help me distribute conference and student poster
competition announcements to people in your department? Thanks a lot!


Attached please find our conference announcement flyer and
poster/presentation competition application information.
Detailed conference information and registration are also available at
our website:

Thank you and have a good day.



Qing Xu


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