msepostdoc-list FW: SEMINAR NOTICE: S. Dubelman, PhD Final Exam, Thur. 3-28-13, 7:30 am, ARMS 1028

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Thu Mar 21 16:20:13 EDT 2013

Please see seminar notice below:


Failure Analysis of Micron Scaled Silicon Under High Rate Tensile Loading

Steven J. Dubelman
Ph.D. Final Examination

Prof. W. Chen


Structures have been built at micro scales with unique failure mechanism not yet well understood, in particular, under high-rate loading conditions. Consequently, MEMS devices suffer from inconsistent performance and insufficient reliability. This research aims to understanding the failure mechanisms in micro-scaled specimens deforming at high rates.  Single crystal silicon micro beams that are 4 microns thick are subjected to tensile loading at average strain rates of 100 s-1 using a miniature modified Kolsky tension bar.   A capacitance displacement system and piezoelectric load cell are incorporated to measure the strain and stress of the silicon micro beams directly to ensure precision.   Extreme fragmentation of the beams occurs during failure and this phenomenon is observed using a high speed camera.  A debris retention system is used to capture the silicon fragments for direct inspection using a Scanning Electron Microscope.   The failure mechanism of the micro beams is attributed the presence of multiple micron scaled surface defects rather than any one large critical flaw.

Date:         Thursday, March 28, 2013

Time:      7:30 A.M.
Place:        ARMS 1028

Thank you,

Lisa Stacey
Secretary/Development Assistant
Purdue University
School of Materials Engineering

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