msepostdoc-list Fwd: [ARMS-all-list] FW: Scheduled Power Outage for Armstrong Hall: Monday, March 11, 2013 *REMINDER*

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Fri Mar 8 10:36:23 EST 2013



This is a reminder of the scheduled power outage taking place within
Armstrong Hall at 5:00am on Monday. 


Please be sure to turn off all electrical equipment, including computer
workstations, before leaving campus for the weekend/Spring Break.


Please distribute the information within your unit in order to be
certain that everyone is alerted to this upcoming outage.





*From:*Ahlen, Donna J
*Sent:* Friday, March 01, 2013 8:52 AM
*To:* ARMS-all-list at
*Cc:* Beever, James E; sydelko at; Schwartz, Jay A; Crowe,
Kimberly A; Enos, Mary K.; Goodwin, Andrew B; Taylor, Edward A; Horan,
Carol J.; Hutson, Susan B.; Fix, Scott A; doesite at;
Lindley, Dennis E
*Subject:* Scheduled Power Outage for Armstrong Hall: Monday, March 11, 2013




There will be a 15-minute scheduled power outage taking place within
Armstrong Hall at 5:00am on Monday, March 11, 2013.  This outage is part
of a campus-wide metering project. 


This outage has been  scheduled to take place during Spring Break in an
effort to reduce the impact on faculty, staff, and students working in ARMS.


Please be certain to completely shut down all electrical devices,
including computer workstations, before leaving campus for Spring
Break.  If you will be in work status during Spring Break, please be
sure to completely shut down all electrical devices prior to 5:00am
Monday morning, March 11.


This notice is being distributed via the Armstrong Hall email list, but
we ask that it also be distributed within your unit in order to ensure
that everyone is alerted to this upcoming outage.


Thank you, and please feel free to contact either Phil or me if you have
any questions,



Donna J. Ahlen

College of Engineering Facilities Manager

Email: ahlendj at <mailto:ahlendj at>

(765) 496-9501


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