msepostdoc-list FW: SEMINAR REMINDER: L. Murray, Prelim I, Wed. 8/14, 10:00 am, ARMS 3115

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue Aug 13 16:56:44 EDT 2013

Please see the following seminar notice reminder for tomorrow:


Photopatterning of P3HT for Organic Solar Cells


Lisa Murray

Purdue MSE Prelim 1

Advisor- Prof. Kendra Erk


Organic photovoltaics have potential to be a sustainable and low cost energy source if they can achieve greater efficiencies and be scaled up for mass production.  Manufacturing in bulk may be achievable with photopatterned organics due to the ease of processing and their potential for improving device performance through fabrication of different active layer morphologies.  Patterned films of poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) crosslinked by UV light are of particular interest for solar cells due to their solvent compatibility and their ability to form nano-sized features.  Photolithography of P3HT may be configured to produce an ordered heterojunction, a morphology that can optimize charge separation and transfer.  Experiment designs will be presented for studying photopatterned P3HT ordered heterojunctions in terms of how the lithographic processing impacts efficiency and durability.

Date:         August 14, 2013

Time:      10:00 A.M.
Place:        ARMS 3115

Lisa Stacey
Secretary/Development Assistant
Purdue University
School of Materials Engineering

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