msepostdoc-list Fwd: Peck Symposium invitation

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Mon Sep 10 13:10:40 EDT 2012

*/Sent on behalf of Dr. Elizabeth Topp, IPPH/*

On October 11^th , our department will host the 10^th Annual Garnet E.
Peck Symposium here at Purdue University. The topics for this year’s
symposium are Globalization and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. As a
Purdue researcher with interests in this area, you and your research
group are cordially invited to attend. Highlights of the program include:

·Internationally recognized speakers in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and

·Opportunity for registrants to present posters

·Reasonable registration fee

·Convenient on-campus conference venue in the Stewart Center

I hope you’ll be able to join us. For more information, visit our Peck
Symposium website <>. Feel free to
contact me (topp at <mailto:topp at>) or DeEtte Starr
(starrd at <mailto:starrd at>) if you have questions.


*Liz Topp*

Dane O. Kildsig Chair and Department Head

Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy

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