msepostdoc-list Fwd: MSE in Next Generation Scholars Research Fair

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Fri Nov 9 09:50:00 EST 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	MSE in Next Generation Scholars Research Fair
Date: 	Fri, 9 Nov 2012 09:58:07 -0500
From: 	Ozgur Keles <okeles at>
To: 	Donna Bystrom <bystrom at>
CC: 	David F Bahr <dfbahr at>

Hi Donna, 

I got the e-mail below today indicating that there is not much interest
in *Next Generation Scholars Research Fair *from the School of Materials

I will be glad if you can send the shorter version (see below) of the
e-mails we have been getting to grad students and postdocs again.


Ozgur Keles 

Ph.D. Candidate
School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University

Shorther version of the e-mail:
There is an exciting opportunity that I want to make you aware of –
the *3^rd  annual Next Generation Scholars Research Fair* organized by
the Purdue Graduate Student Government! All Purdue graduate students are
encouraged to participate.

Link to PGSG page with additional details and
application: _
Please contact Stefanie O'Neal einafets83 at
<mailto:einafets83 at> with any questions or concerns. Thank you
for your help.

The e-mail I got:
Good morning Ozgur-
  I interested in having more materials engineering students present at
Next Generation Scholars on November 30th. You signed up to present and
I am wondering if you have any friends from your department that may
also be interested that you could talk to about presenting.  Thank you
for your help. 

Stefanie O'Neal

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