msepostdoc-list Fwd: MSE Head Finalists (sent on behalf of Tom Shih)

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Wed Mar 28 08:28:00 EDT 2012

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the search committee, it is my pleasure to announce the 
candidates who will be interviewing for the position of Head of the 
School of Materials Engineering.


*Rajendra K. Bordia*

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

University of Washington

*April 4-5*

*John Kieffer*

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

University of Michigan

*April 11-12***

*Chang-Beom Eom*

Harvey D. Spangler Distinguished Professor in Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Madison

*April 23-24***

*David F. Bahr*

Director and Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Washington State University

*May 2-3*

Best regards,


Tom Shih

Chair, MSE Head Search Committee

Professor and Head of Aeronautics&  Astronautics Engineering

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