msepostdoc-list Fwd: [engap-list] Pritsker Scholars Distinguished Lecture

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Fri Mar 16 14:53:41 EDT 2012

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*The Pritsker Scholars Distinguished Lecture Series*

is proud to present its 2012 speaker:


*Dr. Lee W. Schruben, Ph.D.*

Chancellor’s Professor

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

University of California, Berkeley

*Friday, April 13, 2012*

Stewart Center 306

*Please join us for a reception at 1:30 p.m. ET*

*The lecture begins at 2:00 p.m. ET*

Please *R.S.V.P*. by *4/5/2012*

vhaddock at <mailto:vhaddock at> or 765-496-7827

*Abstract:* *Don’t Try This in The Real World.*

Simulation models provide virtually unlimited power; or rather, they 
provide unlimited virtual power. If you can think of something, you can 
simulate it. Experimenting in a simulated world, you can change 
anything, in any way, at any time - even change time itself. Simulators 
are gods, ruling in time and space over parallel universes of their own 
creation. Purdue is at the center of these simulated universes, the Big 
Bang(s) happened here. The first steps to using the powers of simulation 
is to be aware of them and their origins.

"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."

- Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805)

*Biographical Sketch: *

Lee W.Schruben is a Chancellor’s Professor, and former Chair, in the 
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the 
University of California at Berkeley. Prior to joining the Berkeley 
faculty, he was on the Operations Research and Information Engineering 
faculty at Cornell where he held the A. Schultz Professorship in 
Engineering. His interests are in simulation modeling and analysis with 
a broad range of applications, currently focusing on biopharmaceutical 
manufacturing and emergency health care. He spent his first sabbatical 
year and several summers teaching and doing research with Alan Pritsker 
and others in the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University.

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