msepostdoc-list Purdue Postdoctoral Association

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Wed Feb 29 11:53:24 EST 2012

Dear Purdue Postdocs,

The Purdue Postdoctoral Association (PPDA) has its monthly coffee hour 
this Friday (Fri March 2nd) at PMU, in the hall one level above 
Starbucks. Details are as follows:

Date: Friday March 2nd
Time: 1pm
Location: Main floor lounge in the Purdue Memorial Union (directly above 
Starbucks). On the floor map for the PMU [1], we'll meet at the location 
on the "main  floor" that overlaps the Starbucks icon from the floor below.

Stay for as little or as long as you'd like. If you need a caffeine 
break, bring some coffee from one of the coffee shops downstairs. Take a 
nice Friday afternoon respite, unwind, and come meet other postdocs at 

For the PPDA,
Kris Villez

kvillez at



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