msepostdoc-list Fwd: MSE Event 9-28-12

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Aug 30 10:09:31 EDT 2012

Greetings Everyone,

*You’re invited! *MSE will be hosting an event in conjunction with
Family Weekend on the Purdue campus. The welcome event, being held on
September 28^th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, will introduce the new MSE Head,
Dave Bahr, and will be a casual cookout under a tent in front of
Armstrong Hall. The invite list includes all living MSE alums, faculty,
staff, and students. The menu will feature both gluten-free and
vegetarian options and the event should be a great opportunity to
network! More information is available on the attached flyer. Please
rsvp on the MSE website, <>, under News and Events.

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