msepostdoc-list Fwd: FW: Siren 'growl' test set for Monday, no action necessary if sirens sound

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Oct 6 09:23:04 EDT 2011

Communications Announcement

Purdue University – Physical Facilities

Purdue University will conduct a "growl test" of the all-hazards outdoor 
warning siren at Purdue Village at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 10.

The test will activate the siren for 1-2 seconds and may be noticeable 
on campus. However, the potential for full siren activation is possible. 
If the siren activates during the test, please disregard, and no action 
is necessary.

Purdue is in the process of replacing its all-hazards sirens over the 
next few weeks, and once a siren is replaced a “growl test” is required 
to ensure its operation capability.

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