msepostdoc-list Fwd: Materials downtime - Dec 21 8am - noon

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Tue Dec 13 10:42:39 EST 2011

Please see the message below from ECN regarding the Materials server being down on December 21st in the morning.


To all MSE users:

Materials, the MSE department server, will be moved to new hardware on
Dec 21. Downtime will be from 8AM to Noon.

What does this mean for you?
No logins possible on ECN supported machines
No access to shares hosted on materials
No access to ECN email (MyMail and Exchange users are not affected)

Please feel free to check with either ECN (44326) or Donna Bystrom if
you wish to check on the status of the upgrade.

FYI, here is a comparison of the old and new hardware:

Sun V440
4x 1.6GHz Ultra SPARC III CPU, 16GB RAM

Dell R710
2 x 6-Core Xeon CPUs running @ 2.53GHz, 48GB RAM


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