[MSE-XRD-Admin] May I get the small angle x-ray scattering training?

Noonli Zhou noonzhou at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 15:56:29 EST 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is zhongwu zhou, a graduate from Dr. Joseph Irudayaraj's lab (copied
here). I would introduce small angle x-ray scattering into chromatin
research. We would examine extracted chromatin (in 1X PBS buffer) to check
the primary fiber thickness in the chromatin sample. We would also add some
Mg2+ to check its effect on chromatin confirmation.

I am appreciated if you can schedule a time to give the training.



On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Noonli Zhou <noonzhou at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> This is zhongwu zhou, a graduate from Dr. Joseph Irudayaraj's lab (copied
> here). I would introduce small angle x-ray scattering into chromatin
> research. We would examine extracted chromatin (in 1X PBS buffer) to check
> the primary fiber thickness in the chromatin sample. We would also add some
> Mg2+ to check its effect on chromatin confirmation.
> I am appreciated if you can schedule a time to give the training.
> Thanks,
> zhongwu

Good good study, day day up!
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