[MSE-XRD-Admin] X-ray Facility

Shaun Tanner stanner at medinst.com
Wed May 9 14:33:48 EDT 2012

My name is Shaun Tanner and I am with MED Institute, Inc. We would like to use X-ray diffraction to characterize some of our polymer samples. The samples will be in the form of a thin wire. More specifically, we would like to determine the degree of crystallinity and molecular orientation of our samples. Looking at the website for the X-ray facility, I see two different diffractometers available for use. Which diffractometer do you think is appropriate for the analysis we need for our polymer samples?
If you are not affiliated with the X-ray facility, will you please let me know and forward this message to the appropriate person?
Thank you.


Shaun A. Tanner, Ph.D.
Research Engineer
MED Institute, Inc.
1 Geddes Way
West Lafayette, IN 47906 USA

Phone: (765) 463-7537
Direct: (765) 464-0817 x1135
Fax: (765) 497-0641

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