[MSE-XRD-Admin] Bruker D8 and GADDS Training

Aditya Baradwaj abaradwa at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 23 13:59:25 EST 2012


I am a first year graduate student in the chemical engineering department
at Purdue University. I will need to use the X-ray facility for my
research, and would like to get trained on the GADDS XRD. I understand that
in order to do this, I must initially get trained on the Bruker D8 XRD. Is
there a specific time for when I can arrange a training session?  I have
already completed online safety training with REM and was wondering if I
would have to give my A4 form to Dr. Metcalf before training, or if I can
bring it to the first training session? Thanks for your help.


Aditya Baradwaj
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