[MSE-XRD-Admin] An inquiry about XRD training.

Hye Yeon Park park278 at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 21 14:20:25 EDT 2012

I'm Hye Yeon Park, a 4th year Ph.D student in Chemical Engineering. I
checked how to get trained for MSE-XRD, and now I'm in trouble with finding
my proof of REM training and the next step to be approved to use XRD.
I've been using FRNY-XRD for three years, and of course, I had finished 'X-Ray
Safety Training: Analytical & Diagnostic' before. Also, I have coral
account for SEM and TEM, I passed '"Laser Safety Training: Class 3B and
Class 4 Lasers <http://www.purdue.edu/rem/rs/lst.pdf>' (online exam) and
attended off-line lecture a few months ago.
I'm not really sure if my next stage will be the actual training with my
own sample and if I can schedule instrument training,

Please let me know if I'm correct.
Thank you.

Best wishes,
Hye Yeon Park
Graduate Research Assistant
Solar Energy Research Group
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Mobile: 765-586-5377
Email : hypark321 at gmail.com
           park278 at purdue.edu
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