[MSE-XRD-Admin] XRD Training

Erik Sheets sheetse at purdue.edu
Tue Jun 28 11:19:18 EDT 2011

To whom it may concern, 

I am a graduate student in the ChE department looking for training on the Bruker D8 Focus X-Ray Diffractometer. I have already completed the X-ray safety training online about 6 months ago for an XRD in Forney, but I believe I have lost the email confirmation of my completion. I was therefore wondering if I need to go through it again online or if it can be looked up by REM. My application for a CORAL account has been sent in and I am awaiting a response. Let me know what I need to do next. 

Thank You, 

Erik Sheets 

Graduate Researcher 
School of Chemical Engineering 
Purdue University 
sheetse at purdue.edu 

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