[MSE-XRD-Admin] Ask for the Bruker D8 Focus XRD training.

Contact for MSE XRD Admin mse-xrd-admin at ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Apr 19 14:02:01 EDT 2010

Hi Doc. Thomas Key, 

This is Zhikun Liu. Regard to your email, I have passed the x-ray safety training. 

I am free after 10:30am tomorrow.  and I am afraid that I could not do that on Wednesday morning. 


From: "Thomas Key" <tskey at purdue.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 10:19 AM
To: <liu332 at purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: [mse-bruker-d8-list] Ask for the  Bruker D8 Focus XRD training.

> E-mails are simple sent to mse-xdr-admin, you cannot actually join it. 
> Also, you do not have to join it to send e-mails to it. 
> 1) Have you completed the safety training and etc?
> 2) If so, then I have time Tues or Wed morning. 
> TK
> liu332 at purdue.edu wrote:
>> Hi, Doc. Thomas Key
>> this is Zhikun Liu. I have added my email to the "mse-xdr-admin" and 
>> "*mse-bruker-d8-list *" mailing list.
>> Could you schedule a time to give me a training  on Bruker D8 Focus XRD?  
>> My sample is thousands of free standing copper nanowires on the Au 
>> substrate. The nanowires are 10um height and Au is substrate is 300nm 
>> thick and 2cm in diamenter.  
>> Thanks~
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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