[Me-indy-faculty] Engineering Delivery Information - Please List SUITE NUMBER & NAME

Zachary Daniel Sigafoes zsigafoe at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 29 12:08:23 EST 2025

Hello team,

I'm reaching out to inform us that deliveries have been received without the mention of a suite address (mostly Mechanical Engineering). Some of these deliveries have been ending up in IU offices since the delivery employees aren't sure where they're intending to go. I've been asked to ensure that we're being extra intentional with putting out suite address on the delivery so that they're not going to IU facilities or getting lost in the process.

If there are any Purdue specific deliveries that find their way to an IU office, they may get redirected to me and I plan to reach out to the intended recipient(s) as needed. We're doing our best to ensure that all deliveries make it to the intended recipient(s) and I appreciate your cooperation.


Zach Sigafoes - Executive Assistant
Purdue University Indianapolis
zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu> - 765.495.7703
From: Hastings-Smith, Lisa L <lishasti at iu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 10:27 AM
To: Zachary Daniel Sigafoes <zsigafoe at purdue.edu>
Cc: Chouinard, Cathy <cjchouin at iu.edu>; Gonzales, Eirika Osp <eoarnard at iu.edu>; Gutierrez, Melissa Veronica <mvgutier at iu.edu>; Licht, Kathy J. <klicht at iu.edu>; Day, Tiffany Joy <tiffday at iu.edu>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Question about delivery address

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EES Team, Zach is the administrative assistant in Mechanical Engineering (SL 260). He’s also helping Electrical Engineering (SL 160) because they don’t have any staff.

When we receive deliveries that do not belong to us, please email Zach (zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu>) to let him know we have packages that likely belong to ME or ECE.

Hi Zach,

I hope you’re well!

We continue to receive packages delivered to SL 118 that are:

  1.  Addressed to an engineering faculty member with no office number indicated (only 723 W. Michigan St.);
  2.  Addressed to an engineering faculty member with office SL 118 indicated;
  3.  Addressed to 723 W. Michigan St with no name (but it’s not ours); and
  4.  Addressed to 723 W. Michigan St, SL 118 with no name (but it’s not ours)

Right now, we have a package for Shawn Wei, two packages with no name, and an Amazon package for Chris Warnock.

Will you please reach out to Purdue procurement and the MEE, ECE, and MTSP faculty/staff/graduate students to make sure that they are entering their name and SL 260 as part of the address?

As far as limited characters, using ‘723 W. Michigan St’ obviously uses fewer characters than '723 West Michigan Street Room' to enable an office number.

We want to make sure that your packages make it to the right people, but we’re also getting a bit aggravated about dealing with these incorrect deliveries. This has been happening on a regular basis only since the end of last semester, so it’s clearly related to the IU/PU realignment.

Thanks for your help!



Lisa Hastings-Smith

Advisor & Coordinator of Graduate Programs

Dept of Mathematical Sciences, LD 270

Dept of Earth & Environmental Sciences, SL 118

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From: Zachary Daniel Sigafoes <zsigafoe at purdue.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2025 9:17 AM
To: Hastings-Smith, Lisa L <lishasti at iu.edu>
Subject: [External] Re: Question about delivery address

This message was sent from a non-IU address. Please exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments from external sources.

Mornin' Lisa,

Hope you're doing well.

Ordering is done through the office of procurement. Students/faculty usually have their orders requested and they are sent to a separate team to fulfill the order (Like Buy.IU except you can only send a request).

Unfortunately I cannot confirm what was entered from both the student and procurement user. I did assist Guangqi (Jian's RA) with finding three deliveries in the mailroom yesterday and on those deliveries they wrote with a black marker to take them to SL 118. They crossed it out with another color and said 'wrong' which makes sense since they're supposed to go to SL 260. On the delivery address, they had '723 West Michigan Street Room' so I'm going to assume that they could only fit so many characters in the line.

I hope this makes sense, but at the end of the day sometimes its user error in the address line if they don't enter a second line or if procurement doesn't spot it. Since they process hundreds of orders daily, I can imagine small instances like this being overlooked or they don't have enough info provided to prevent a delivery mishap.


Zach Sigafoes - Executive Assistant

Purdue University Indianapolis

zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu> - 765.495.7703

[cid:image002.png at 01DB7169.A774B530]


From: Hastings-Smith, Lisa L <lishasti at iu.edu<mailto:lishasti at iu.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2025 4:59 PM
To: Zachary Daniel Sigafoes <zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu>>
Subject: Question about delivery address

---- External Email: Use caution with attachments, links, or sharing data ----

Hi Zach,

I hope you’re well. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We continue to receive packages addressed to and delivered to SL 118 that are for other departments. The most recent was the one for Jian Xie that his grad student got from the mailroom today.

Can you please confirm that SL 270 was the delivery address entered for that order? We think that the vendor might be screwing this up.




Lisa Hastings-Smith

Advisor & Coordinator of Graduate Programs

Dept of Mathematical Sciences, LD 270

Dept of Earth & Environmental Sciences, SL 118

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