[Me-indy-faculty] Fw: *** Important - Please read SL/LD and SLEB Buildings Power Outage

Zachary Daniel Sigafoes zsigafoe at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 19 10:16:42 EST 2025

Please see the noticed in regard to a power outage this morning.

Zach Sigafoes - Executive Assistant
Purdue University Indianapolis
zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu> - 765.495.7703
From: Wassgren, Carl R <wassgren at purdue.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 10:15 AM
To: Zachary Daniel Sigafoes <zsigafoe at purdue.edu>
Subject: Fwd: *** Important - Please read SL/LD and SLEB Buildings Power Outage

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tiffany L Lewallen <tlewalle at purdue.edu>
Date: Feb 19, 2025 08:36
Subject: *** Important - Please read SL/LD and SLEB Buildings Power Outage
To: "Mundy, Michael LeeShaun" <mlmundy at purdue.edu>,Evan Stewart Hawkins <hawkinse at purdue.edu>,Alan S Jones <jone1405 at purdue.edu>,"Alfrey, Karen Denise" <alfreyk at purdue.edu>,Andrew Aurin Tomaschke <atomasch at purdue.edu>,Brian S King <king360 at purdue.edu>,Christopher Edward Finch <finch21 at purdue.edu>,Corinne Catherine Renguette <crenguet at purdue.edu>,Joseph Wallace <jwalla78 at purdue.edu>,"Li, Feng" <fengli at purdue.edu>,Steve Higbee <shigbee at purdue.edu>,"Wassgren, Carl R" <wassgren at purdue.edu>,"Weissbach, Robert Stephen" <rweissba at purdue.edu>

All - Please be advised

I just received a call from Campus Facility Services, the SL, LD, and SELB Buildings were without electric power for two hours after the emergency electric utility power outage that occurred at 3:00 am this morning. Power has been restored in these buildings however it is important that researchers review all their research/equipment/refrigerators and freezers as soon as possible.


Tiffany Lewallen

Operations Coordinator and Academic Building Deputy

Licensed Public Notary | Teaching and Learning Programs

799 West Michigan Street, ET 314J | Indianapolis, IN 46202

o: 765-495-7755 | m: 317-590-2575 | tlewalle at purdue.edu<mailto:tlewalle at purdue.edu>


*For non-emergency repairs, please use: https://www.purdue.edu/fix-it.

*For a building emergency, such as overflowing plumbing, exposed wiring or a door that won’t secure, please contact IU Indianapolis Campus Facility Services at 317-278-1900.

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