[Me-indy-faculty] Instructional Teaching Assistance - In Person Meetings

Zachary Daniel Sigafoes zsigafoe at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 6 11:52:35 EST 2024


This is a friendly reminder that Ben Holmes (LTL), Jordan Grammas (DRC), and I (CIE) are all currently on the 3rd floor of ET (across from ET 344) ready to answer any questions instructors might have. We will be here most of the day. See dates below for future sessions.

Teaching Support:

We will be on campus from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the common space on the 3rd floor of the ET Building on the following dates.  Please stop by to get help or just to say hi!

     *   Wednesday, Nov. 6
     *   Wednesday, Nov. 20
     *   Wednesday, Dec. 4
     *   Wednesday, Dec. 11


Tracey Birdwell, PhD | tbirdwel at purdue.edu<mailto:tbirdwel at purdue.edu>

Assistant Director Center for Instructional Excellence (CIE), Purdue University in Indianapolis
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