EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB Purdue For Life Crowdfunding Link

Piepho, Andrew Day piepho at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 28 21:43:36 EST 2024

Hi everybody,

As discussed in lab today, we are partnering with the Purdue for Life Foundation for a fundraising campaign they have set up for us. Here<https://crowdfunding.purdue.edu/project/41265> is the link to our fundraising page, please feel free to share it with professional connections, especially via platforms such as LinkedIn.


Andrew Piepho

Purdue University Biomedical Engineering | 2026
Treasurer, Purdue Engineers Without Borders
Undergraduate Researcher, Linnes Lab
John Martinson Honors College
piepho at purdue.edu<mailto:piepho at purdue.edu> | (234) 788-7883

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